At Before School Care the children are in a supervised environment and given the opportunity to participate in chosen activities including art and craft, reading and games. Breakfast is available from 6.30-8.15am. The Preps and Year 1’s are taken by an educator to their classrooms at 8.40am. Children in years 2-6 are released to classrooms at 8.40am. Parents can authorise early release at 8.15am with the correct forms signed, agreed to and returned.
At After School Care the Preps and Year 1’s are collected from their classrooms and the children in years 2-6 walk to the OSHC room at 2.45pm. They will be signed in by an educator. Around arrival time the children have afternoon tea which is provided by the service. Each day a program is put in place for play, the children are in a supervised environment and given the opportunity to participate in chosen activities including art and craft, reading and games. Outdoor play is always advertised and promoted (Weather permitting). In Term 2 Year 1’s will transition to walking on their own to the OSHC building.
Vacation care is run as a very different service from Before School Care and After School Care. Four weeks prior to the holidays, the service will provide parents with a written program of activities on offer during the period. We strongly recommend that parents keep a copy of the vacation program to allow them to prepare their children for the vacation care days. There are in service days where a theme for the day is generally chosen. Excursions and Incursions are also part of the program. Children are to supply their own water bottles, Sun smart clothing including wide brimmed hat and closed in shoes, lunch box and spare clothes in their bags. Lunch or morning/afternoon tea will be provided by the service depending on the daily activities and programmed activities for the day.
Children are given the right to choose in whether they participate in the planned activities or would like to play independently with chosen activities for the day. Planned activities are always promoted.